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Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Day in My French Life + Catching Up - Weeks 10 & 11

Salut !! *gives bises*

Sorry that I haven't been writing! I could say that I've been doing loads of fun and interesting stuff and THAT'S why I haven't been writing, but I've really just too lazy to write. Also there hasn't been anything particularly interesting to write about. Just life abroad, normal, you know how it is. ;)

For this week, I took pictures all throughout a school day and I'm going to elaborate on them. Kind of like a "day-in-my-life".

Here we go.

6:50 - Alarm, and the struggle to get out of bed.
7:00 - Eat "petit dej" of baguette with butter accompanied with coffee.

7:45- Get to school. 

(we had a late start so Estelle, Enzo, Djovanni, Raphael, Roisin, Louise and I went to Subway and hung out for an hour before we had to go to Italian)


Solène studying during break (9:50-10:15)

Julie and I with our mid-morning snack, des pommes!

Nadège and Julie talking at break.

La cour de St. Sau

Blandine and I going to math

Stairs that I have to walk up several times a day. The struggle is real.

Louise, Alix and I going to lunch after Spanish!

Julie didn't want this picture to exist, obviously, but I had already eaten my lunch and I needed a picture!!

Walking back to St. Sau after lunch


Obligatory selfie

Notice the clouds that have gathered since this morning :(

The yellow building is the entrance to St. Sau.

Eva, acting like she doesn't want to have her picture taken. As if. :)

More selfies. This is before afternoon classes.

Photo courtesy of Eva.

Eating goûter @ 5 pm

Taking some weird selfies.

Okay well that's all for this week, I hope you liked seeing a bit of what a day in my french life is like!!

Lots of love x


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