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Friday, April 17, 2015

Beach Antics and the First Week of "Vacances" - Week 14

It is Friday the 17th of April. WOOOAAAHH where did the time go?! (I did not mean for that to rhyme).
I am yet again on VACANCES (vacation for you english speakers :) ). Yes, the French and all their vacations. It really is very lovely to have two weeks off every so often. This is the end of the first week and since Laetitia and Guena were working this week, we didn't do much. I did, however go to the beach with my friend from school, Anne-Elise, and I also had a lot of track practices. Thats basically it.
Today is very exciting because in about 2 hours, all 6 of us will be cramming ourselves into the minivan and driving 12 hours to go to the South of France for the second week!! (I'm not excited about the 12 hrs driving, but south of France, yes).
So about the beach. Well we went for about two hours and it was so pretty but the water was still so god-forsakenly cold that we didn't swim. It was about 80 degrees all this week though and that was really nice for siting and eating outside but as you can probably imagine, not good for running track.

Thats about it for this week because its vacances and you don't really do very much! I will definitely have a longer and more interesting post about my week in the South next week!

Lots of love and bises!


Anne-Elise and I, headed to the "plage".

Picnic spot.

Selfies are inescapable.


Little trails.

More selfies.


Tom tries a smoothie for the 1st time.


Track practice in Rennes.



This is Jinfyse currently. I know she is contemplating stepping on the computer and messing up the post I've been working on for an hour. Purrfect ;).

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