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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Bienvenue! Welcome! Bienvenido!

Hi. Hola. Bonjour.
Welcome to my blog! ... I guess haha.
So I bet you're wondering why I'm making a blog because I sure don't have time in my regular life to blog. BUT GUESS WHAT? I'M GOING TO FRANCE FOR A SEMESTER... (!!!)
Sorry that was a little excited but can you really blame me? Anyways, I go to Marymount High School in Los Angeles but I will be going to a school called Lycée Saint Sauveur in Redon, France. If you don't know where Redon is, that's totally ok, you'll know soon enough.
Wow, didn't I say that you would know soon? Yes that red dot is Redon, France, where I'll be staying for 6 months, starting in January. Its only 5 1/2 weeks away but it still feels like forever, which is weird. 
This blog will definitely be just like a journal about my adventures there, so yeah. And, by the way, the name of the blog is "Une Américaine à Redon" which literally means "An American in Redon". Creative, right?

But yes, I think that will be all for now, I plan on updating this more and more as the departure date gets closer and hopefully every week or every other week while I am there.

A bientôt (see you soon)!


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