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Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Hello again! 
I would like to talk a bit about the number 25. There a lot of things that have happened/ are happening soon that relate to the number 25. Firstly and most importantly, TAYLOR SWIFT turned 25. Hehe. The next thing is that Christmas is coming at an alarmingly fast speed. Very exciting (that is on Dec. 25, if you were wondering how that related to 25).
The last and probably most interesting thing is that I leave in 25 days. SCARY. I am starting to pack and let me just tell you that this is not an easy task. I will probably make a whole post just about that because it's such a big part of traveling. Don't expect that post to be very informative because I don't really know what I'm doing but just go with it :)
I was going to end this with a witty remark about the number 25 and how "D-day" (departure day, duh) will soon be upon me and but I don't really have one... Oh well. This was just kind of a quick update on my mental state before the craziness begins.. Since I've been rambling about numbers I'd say that my mental state is not very good right about now.. (the cause probably being simultaneously going to high school and trying to plan a study abroad.. Yeah that'll do it).

Salut! (An informal term in French that could be used when saying hello or goodbye!)


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