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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Countdown: 0

Hey everyone!

This morning when I woke up in my airport hotel outside of Boston, Mass., I was harmlessly scrolling through Pinterest (as one does in the early hours of the morning, thanks jetlag) and I kind of internally screamed. Why? Well of course because I saw the France countdown I have had for the past 4 1/2 months and it said 0. 0 DAYS. That means that I am leaving for FRANCE (!!!!!) today. As in, getting on a plane in a few hours. I am almost too excited to even type this. Like if I just unleashed all my excitement onto this blog post it would look something like: AKLSDJFHA;SDKFJHASDKF ASFKHASDKFHA;DGHASDKFASDKL
That is why I'm trying to stay as calm as possible.
Right now, I am sitting in my bed in the hotel and am about to go down to the second day of orientation. Orientation is basically where you meet 10 other people who are going to France just like you and you do activities and other bonding stuff. It is really surprising how much we have in common but also how little. Almost all of us are coming from different states and different lives but we can talk about our hopes and fears so openly because we are all in the same situation. I think that's really cool. I also think that it is going to be so nice to have people in France with me who are going through the same stuff. ANYWAYS, yes that is going to be it for this little "update post", the next time I write I'll be in FRANCE. OH MY GOSH.



P.S. Sorry for the excessive caps lock use in this post. I really am very excited.

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