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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

And Then There Were 2 Americans in Redon - Week 16

Contrary to the popular murder mystery by Agatha Christie, even though the title is the same, this is not a horror story, its actually a really happy story. (I tried to make that funny but now that I reread, its not all that great, oh well).
It was a good week for a lot of reasons. The first was because I went back to school and I really like school so going back is not a big problem for me. Second, it was a four day week, because we had Friday off ! I know I just said that I love school and I do, but seriously who doesn't like weekends better? ALSO (there's more), Conner came to stay with my host family on Thursday night and we hung out on Friday! It was so good to see him and speak a little english again. It's honestly so cool that I can say that I have friends all around the world now. We had a really good time with my host family and also just walking around Redon. It was slightly overcast but that was ok. I liked showing Conner around my new home because I validated something that I've been starting to think more and more: I feel more and more like a local and less like an "étranger" (a stranger/foreigner). On Friday night, we went over to eat at some friends' house and got home super late (1am). Saturday was a pretty big day as well because I had my first track meet here in France! I actually did pretty well, and so I'm really happy! I ran the 400 meters and the 200 meters and for the 400, I came in 2nd in my heat and 3rd overall with a 1:05min time and for the 200, I came in first in my heat with a time of 28seconds!
Now its sunday and we are just doing homework and relaxing. I'm going to Skype with my family in LA tonight and so that's fun. I am going to Nice in 3 weeks with my friends from orientation to kind of, "go out with a bang" because I go home a week after that!
Well, lunch is ready so I gotta go, but I will write again soon! (hopefully next week if I can motivate myself) ;)

Lots of love and bises xx



Rare footage of Conner singing.


It was really pretty even though it was overcast!

Redon Fashion pt. 1

Redon Fashion pt. 2!

It figures that this is how you dress in Bretagne on the first of May.

Pear and chocolate crêpe!!

Running the 400m!

400 meters pt 2

Race selfies


post-race selfies

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