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Monday, June 1, 2015

Mom - Weeks 17 and 18

Hello everybody!
So a thing happened a week ago... My mom was here!! She came on the 8th of May and stayed until the 17th! I had so much fun showing her what my life had been like for the past 4 1/2 months!
On Friday she got here and was pretty exhausted from a long day of traveling so we just had a traditionally breton dinner (galettes, my favorite, duh) and then she went to sleep. Saturday (the 9th, if anyone is already lost) we went to the Bretagne coast, specifically the little town of Le Croisic, which is on a peninsula and is super pretty. Sunday, I had a competition in Rennes, so we went there and met up with Conner afterwards for a picnic and a tour of the old Rennes. Let me pause here for a moment and tell you something about french towns. They are really old. That is a know fact, but because of that, there is always one part of the city that looks a lot older than the rest, and so that is what we visited. It was all in all a good day.
On Monday, my mom left for a little 2 day trip to Normandy, so she could still have fun while we went to work and school. She picked me up on Wednesday morning and i showed her around my school and Redon. We spent the rest of the day with my family and pretty much just hung out. Thursday, it was raining, typical Bretagne, so we stayed in for the morning and then went to discover La Gacilly in the afternoon. (see my previous posts for more info on La Gacilly). Friday was the big day because we went to two really famous places in France! In the morning we went to the Mont Saint Michel, which is a an abbey built on top of a hill in the sea. Its not exactly an island, because when the tide is low, there is no water around it, but when it's high tide, the water surrounds the little hill. It was so amazing to walk through the streets and see a tour of the abbey (it was so big, it took two hours to get through it all!). After we had had our fill of St. Michel, we drove about an hour and a half west to Saint-Malo, a beautiful walled city in north Bretagne. My mom and I were particularly excited to go here because we had both read a book called All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr (so great, everyone should read it!!) and it takes place in Saint-Malo. We even went to where the house was after we had walked along the walls of the city. It was a bright sunny day and it was just so beautiful with the sound of the ocean all around us. We went to a restaurant and everyone got seafood, except me, who doesn't like it. Whoops. I got a galette. Surprised? I sure was!! ;)
On Saturday, we went to Vannes and did some long-awaited shopping ( mom had been talking about it all week!) and then we went out to eat again. The burger I had there was probably one of the most delicious ones I have ever had in my entire life!!!
Sunday was packing day and eating. In typical French fashion, we spent almost the whole day eating. We dropped her off at the train station at 17h (5pm). Laetitia and my mom cried but just out of happiness and mom-ness. I think it must be a mom thing because the rest of us were able to be happy without crying. Whatever!

I'm sorry that these weeks are mixed together because my mom was only here for one week, but the other one is really not interesting enough to have its own blog post!

See you soon, same place, same time!!! (<< not sure what that was. I am just re-reading after typing this at midnight last night. ok bye bye)


She's here!

Le Croisic!

Look who I found!

Mont St Michel





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