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Monday, June 8, 2015

Conner and Cecilia Take Rennes: Part 3 - Week 19

Yes, I went to Rennes AGAIN.
My host family told me that there was a weekend long soccer tournament, so that was what fueled me to go and ask Conner if he was going to be free that Saturday so I could do something instead of stay in the house all day. He agreed, but he met me later because he wanted to sleep in, which was fine with me. I think I needed to do some shopping therapy and just be by myself. We met up and then we walked around and got salads at a restaurant at Place Saint-Anne. After we ate, we met up with a good friend of ours, Ida, and then helped her do some shopping for a party she had to go to that evening. After we said goodbye to her, we wandered around for another hour until I had to get my train. It was a good day. Very relaxing and good for getting myself ready for the fun and exciting week ahead (going to Nice!).
Sunday, I was in Rennes again for a track meet. (No, I didn't see Conner again). It was fun and we stayed there the whole day, only getting back at about 9pm.

Thats about it for this week!

Lots of love,

"Les Lices" Flower market


Gotta take snapchats, right?


"No pictures please"



Beautiful day!

Bus ride home

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