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Friday, June 12, 2015

The Last Entry - 150 days in France

Hi there. Bonjour. Salut.
I’m writing this from the train to Paris. As in Paris, where the airport is. I’m going home. A strange feeling, honestly. Do I want to? Yes. At the same time, I could not have imagined how hard it would be to say goodbye to my friends and family. My some of my friends came to the train station and having them there as well as having to say goodbye to my host family was so hard. I wish I could use another adjective than “hard”, but that’s just it. I don’t know what to say. I remember five months ago, almost to the day, when I was writing a blog post in the train GOING to meet my host family. I could never have imagined the friends I would make or the bond I would form with my host family, and now, having to say goodbye, was so difficult. I know I will go back and visit and they’ll come to LA, but still. I won’t see them everyday, around the house or in the classroom and in the halls of Saint- Sauveur. I cried a lot, leaving Redon. I am going to miss everyone I met and the town itself.
To the Lecointre family, if you’re reading this: Merci pour tout et j’ai hate de vous revoir a Los Angeles. Je vous aime fort.
To Julie and Anne-Elise: Les filles, merci pour votre amitié. Je suis trop contente que vous m'avais accepter dans votre cercle d'amis pour ces 5 mois. Je vous aime fort! Je vous revois le plus vite possible!!
To Djovanni: Djo, merci pour m’avoir parler le premier jour de Walking Dead, d’avoir toujours lu mon blog et de m’avoir appris le langage familier de la France. Meme si j’aurai pas de blog maintenant, je te donnerai des nouvelles de moi. A bientôt a Los Angeles, d’acc? ;)
To Enzo and Louise and the rest of the classe de 2nde6: Merci de m’avoir acceuillie et de m’avoir toujours inclu dans la classe. Je me suis beaucoup amuser avec vous cette année!!
To Margaux and the club APR: Bonne chance pour le reste de la saison et merci de m’avoir inclu dans votre équipe. C’etait vraiment un plaisir. A bientôt!

To everyone back home who followed me along on this adventure, MERCI!

This is the last entry on Une Amercaine à Redon. It was really a great adventure and I am so grateful to everyone who read my blog and complimented me, you are the reason I am writing this last entry. Sometimes I was so frustrated and this is where I went to vent. Thank you for listening from across the world. 

Au revoir. Mille fois merci.



  1. I am so glad you are home and I can imagine it was soooo hard to leave. What an incredible experience my brave and beautiful lil' bunch!!! I love you and am so proud of you and excited to see you. Xoxoxox aint

  2. CECILIA!!!! I'm on the edge of crying right now! I'm so glad you had fun in France but on behalf of all the girls on our bus I want to say that we missed you so much and can't wait to see you again. Love you :)
